The deadline for Early Bird Registrations is November 15th, 2018. 
In order to register to the conference, you should fill the Registration form available from the menu bar. The registrations will be validated after the payment of the registration fee.


Early Bird registration  (before November 15th, 2018)

- Regular Delegates                                                                  € 570,00

- Young delegates (born after 1st January 1979)                   € 350,00

- Accompanying persons                                                        € 80,00


Regular registration (On-site registration) (after November 15th, 2018)

- Regular Delegates                                                                  € 670,00

- PhD Students only                                                                 € 450,00

- Accompanying persons                                                        € 100,00

The additional fee for Business Lunches is 30,00 € per day.



- Bank transfer

Bank details:

Account Owner: Associazione Italiana Zeoliti

IBAN:  IT22C0335901600100000105547

BIC/Swift Code:   BCITITMX

Bank: Banca Prossima S.p.A.

Branch: Branch of Milan ; Address: Piazza P. Ferrari 10 - I 20121 Milano

Reason: Fee " 4EAZC SURNAME and NAME"

Please don’t forget to send a copy of your bank transfer via email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


- Pay Pal or Credit Card (Via PayPal Circuit):

Select your kind of Registration:


- On-site Payment: cash, PayPal or Credit Card (Via PayPal circuit only)